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Show simple item record Nawaz, Attika 2018-04-09T04:04:29Z 2018-04-09T04:04:29Z 2012
dc.description Supervised by Firdous Ahmed en_US
dc.description.abstract As per today, Climate change is one of the most serious issues confronting humankind and I would like my research to make- a difference in this area. Specifically, I would like the organizational employee to trace their Carbon Footprints and to help them understand their impact on the environment, based on real data from their daily activities, and help them to evaluate how they can reduce those Carbon Footprints. While there are a variety of ways that can reduce ones Carbon Footprint, such as efficiency in use of energy and fuel, use of advanced technology, reduction in paper use, etc To this end, 1 have engaged my research in questionnaire surveys and a review of the literature surrounding this topic. My research topic touches on a diverse set of literature: 1. What are Carbon Footprints and how the climate is changing? 2. Why it is important to know? 3. How it effects the organization 4. What are the sources of C02 emission in an organization? 5. The effected parties. 6. Finally, the remedies or some tips to control these carbon footprints. Global warming is the most burning topic of today’s world. Every single person on this earth somehow is contributing in the global warming in some way through their activities. Weather its business life, personal, social or any other activity, our existence is affecting the functions of the earth and thus damaging our lives. The main reason behind this global warming of earth is the emission of carbon dioxide that is producing by our activities that even we never think of. These “Carbon Footprints” of us are question to our lives. The increasing interest in ‘Carbon Foot prints’ comes as a result of growing awareness of global warming. People now recognize the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to moderate climate changes. Countries, organizations and individuals are now starting to take responsibilities. Calculating a Carbon Footprint can be a valuable first step towards making quantifiable changes in carbon reductions. This may lead to long term profits as well as reducing climate-change impact. Carbon Footprint is caused by the emission of green house gases by an organization, individual, product or any activity. Greenhouse gases are the results of transport, fuel consumption, and production of foods, any type of product manufacturing, roads and buildings constructions, and services. It is termed as a carbon dioxide that results in leaving carbon footprints on this earth and causing global warming. To some extent, C02 is a poison and breathing in it is noxious. It causes a thick layer of padding around the earth. Carbon particles absorb heat, so the sun's heat warms the carbon and push the heat down to the earth. If one needs to reduce or control this impact of carbon footprints on earth, there is a need to assess the emissions through different means, to assess emission of an individual, organization or other activities so there could be developments made to reduce through technological advancement and better processes as well as through minimizing the use of energy and using effective means to reduce these emissions en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Bahria University Karachi Campus en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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