Android based application for Event Searching globally (P-0558) (MFN 3584)

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Show simple item record M. Hassan Mujtaba, 01-133092-142 Iman Sirhindi, 01-133092-130 2017-08-28T11:35:26Z 2017-08-28T11:35:26Z 2013
dc.description Supervised by Mr. Fazal Wahab en_US
dc.description.abstract EventsApp is an android-based phone application that helps the user search for events all around the world (i.e. conferences, concerts, fundraisers etc) using more than one ways offered to the user. It simply facilitates users belonging to different professions such as teachers, entrepreneurs, students etc to look for events related to their interest or even create their own events, share it with the world and manage them according to their requirements. Registered users are provided complete information about an event including it’s title, venue (shown on Google maps as well), description, starting and ending date. Furthermore, one can add reminders to the events one is interested in. This application helps people discover, create and monitor events worldwide according to their passion, profession and interests. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Software Engineering, Bahria University Engineering School Islamabad en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BSE;P-0558
dc.subject Software Engineering. en_US
dc.title Android based application for Event Searching globally (P-0558) (MFN 3584) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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