The main objective of this project is to develop a system, where institutions will be
able to issue digital certificates making use of the latest distributed ‘4IPFS stoiage
technology, which provides us with the highest degree ol security, transpaiency, tiust
less and tamper-proofsystem. Uploading certificates online and maintaining the IPfS
hashes means, tampering any certificate is nearly impossible since its hash is stored
somewhere along the block chain, and upon change in its data, the hash of this block
will change, the two hashes will no longer be equal and the hash stored in our block chain will no longer point to the same data, therefore, making the block-chain invalid,
thus new alteration attempt will be rejected immediately and hence, any degree that is
once issued, will remain as it is forever.
This solves the issue of post-issuance forgery, but does not cater to the scenario where
an individual bribes the issuing authorities and falsely issues a fake degree for
themselves. To solve this issue, we have developed a flow where institution will
forward the degree information to HEC and then, HEC will verify this data, check its
authenticity and finally, issue the degree as well as upload online and update the block chain automatically. This flow ofinformation, multiple approvals, and final attestation
by HEC means it is very likely, that the organization which will be involved in trying
to issue this forged document can be easily caught along the line and hence, blocked
by the HEC from further issuing degrees, therefore, maintaining the integrity of our
prestigious education system and its certifications.
We believe that this system will help elevate our society by removing the people who
attained their positions unrightfully since they will not be able to forge their documents
to falsely attain positions, and help bring right people to the right places, who know
how things should be and are verified, deserving, qualified members of our society.