Site Rush – A SEO Tool

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Show simple item record Kamran Wahab, 01-131192-015 Malagh Jamshed Zaman, 01-131192-018 2023-08-28T07:34:35Z 2023-08-28T07:34:35Z 2023
dc.description Supervised by Iqra Baharat en_US
dc.description.abstract Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential component of any successful digital marketing strategy. However, the existing SEO tools on the market often come with a hefty price tag and limited capabilities, leaving users with incomplete data and little flexibility. Moreover, most tools assume users are starting from scratch, making strategy development complex and potentially wasteful of valuable resources. To address these challenges, we present SiteRush, a revolutionary web-based SEO tool designed to empower website owners in their quest for improved search engine rankings. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that delivers real-time insights and customized recommendations, based on the current health of a website. Unlike other SEO tools, SiteRush goes beyond standard website analysis, keyword research, and competitor analysis. We consider customers' website's existing strengths and weaknesses, leveraging this information to suggest targeted improvements and keyword opportunities tailored to their unique circumstances. With SiteRush, digital marketers and site owners receive personalized SEO reports that streamline strategy development. By utilizing cutting-edge crawler and NLP models, Our tool generates comprehensive keyword lists, identifies site improvement opportunities, highlights critical issues, and enables seamless keyword tracking. SiteRush delivers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for enhancing a website's SEO performance. Our tool provides real-time insights and actionable recommendations, empowering the site owners to make informed decisions and optimize their websites effectively. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Software Engineering, Bahria University Engineering School Islamabad en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BSE;P-2226
dc.subject Software Engineering en_US
dc.subject Analysis of existing work en_US
dc.subject Role of AI in modern SEO Strategies en_US
dc.title Site Rush – A SEO Tool en_US
dc.type Project Reports en_US

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