Advance Pedometer for Physical Fitness

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Show simple item record Ahmed Hassan Khan Niazi, 01-134122-011 Umair Zubair, 01-134122-111 2023-02-02T10:20:53Z 2023-02-02T10:20:53Z 2016
dc.description Supervised by Dr. Muhammad Muzammal en_US
dc.description.abstract There is no doubt we are living in an era where for many people the least valued and cared for thing is their own fitness. Most of us have over time routines, whole day schedules, and other work and responsibilities which maximize stress. Many of us have also built a habit of eating junk food instead of having a healthy and natural diet. Although technology is making things more and more convenient, it is also affecting our health very much and causing obesity in a lot of people. A lot of people no matter how much they try are unable to take time for healthy activities which includes going to gym or doing any kind of sports which makes them healthy in with regard to their body. With increase in technology people of course have more office oriented jobs, in which they have to sit most of the time and work. Even if they have to move, they walk within the premjses of working area. In order to facilitate the people who are working within the premises of working area and want to remain healthy and fit, we have developed an Android mobile application which is a pedometer that calculates the amount of calorie loss and distance travelled. The purpose of this project in particular is to develop an Android application which is more accurate in detecting each step taken than previous existing applications and to aid more precise calculation of the calories burnt while doing any fitness activity such as jogging or walking. Our Android application is developed using the programming language Java on the Android Studio development environment. Initially it detects the steps with sensors and calculates the total number of steps, and later sums them up the total distance covered which is used for calculation of burnt calories. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Computer Sciences en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BS (CS);P-01112
dc.subject Advance Pedometer en_US
dc.subject Physical Fitness en_US
dc.title Advance Pedometer for Physical Fitness en_US
dc.type Project Reports en_US

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