To Examining the Effect of Stressors on Work Family Conflict Experienced by Female Faculty in Higher Education Institutions

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Show simple item record Asma Fazal, 01-280112-004 2022-10-31T10:35:26Z 2022-10-31T10:35:26Z 2021
dc.description Supervised by Dr. Samreen Babar en_US
dc.description.abstract Work Family Conflict studied in this research is an assessment of its antecedents and consequences affecting the quality of services delivered by the female academics. Work and family are very important spheres of an individual‘s life. A balance is required between the two. Whereas increasing demands from both the domain stresses the female faculty in maintaining an equilibrium. The imbalance produces stress further effecting the quality of the services that are required from the female academics. This research uses a positivist research paradigm, collecting data via questionnaires that were adapted, through convenience sampling from female faculty members of public and private universities of Pakistan. The population of this research was female faculty working in different universities in Pakistan whereas the sample size is 203. For reliability Cronbach‘s Alpha results is from 0.681 to 0.931 and composite reliability between 0.826 and 0.954 whereas for validity (convergent & Discriminant) Fornell-Larcker Criterion, Cross loadings and Heteromonotratit is utilized and established. Structural Equation Modelling is used for data analysis. This research shows that stressors at work that are work stressors (Role Ambiguity & Role Conflict) and in family (Parental & Spousal) has an effect on Work Family Conflict. Job stressors at work have an effect on individual causing job distress and contributes to depression. Female faculty involved in job decreases job distress whereas Work family conflict experienced by female faculty contributes to job distress. The respondents showed a modest believe regarding Internal Service Quality in terms of Reliability, Empath, Responsiveness and Tangibility. Work Family Conflict has an influence on depression ultimately affecting Internal Service Quality of the female faculty. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Management Studies BU E8-IC en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries PhD (MS);T-10758
dc.subject Work Family Conflict en_US
dc.subject Higher Education en_US
dc.title To Examining the Effect of Stressors on Work Family Conflict Experienced by Female Faculty in Higher Education Institutions en_US
dc.type PhD Thesis en_US

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