The purpose ofthis study is to provide meaningful information to the health care executives, marketers,
entrepreneurs, physicians and other stakeholders of Karachi regarding the acceptance oftelemedicine to
take reasonable decision to mandate telemedicine in health-care sector of Karachi or not. It’s a new
emerging field and its implication after the Covid-19 virus outbreak has been seen increased in comparison
to the past. Still it was .just observational and only few researches have been conducted to provide
meaningful information to support decision. In addition, no research has been conducted in past
integrating and studying the predictor variable immune-suppression to predict the outcome variable tele medicine.
This is an explanatory, quantitative and cross sectional research conducted at one point oftime conducted
with the help of adaptive research instrument. The deductive approach is used. Target population are the
customers of Karachi with non-probability convenience sampling technique is used because sampling
frame is not available. The sampling size is calculated by using sampling size calculation table given in
Umesekran book ofresearch.
Two independent variables are studied to predict the acceptance oftelemedicine. Internet browsing has a
significant relationship with the acceptance oftelemedicine while immunosuppression has no relationship
with the acceptance oftelemedicine. To extend this study, mediating variable that is the fear ofacquiring
HAI is introduced to the linkage ofimmune-suppression and acceptance oftele-medicine but encompasses
no mediating effect on the model.
Based on the results, the hypothesis HAI is accepted since sig. value of coefficients ofregression is 0.00
which is less than 0.01 see table 18. It is concluded that if internet browsing in customers is increased,
acceptance oftelemedicine is also increased. The hypothesis HA2 is rejected since we have a sig. value
of coefficient of regression is 0.39 which is greater than constant 0.01 see table 18. It is concluded that
there is no relationship between immunosuppression and acceptance of telemedicine. After Process
analysis, no mediating effect ofthe MV fear of acquiring HAI on the linkage of predictor variable 2 and
outcome variable is found see table 20, as the zero is present between the LLCI and ULCI of indirect
effect ofX on Y. In addition, the relationship between IV2 and DV is insignificant as p value is 0.39 which is greater than 0.05, this is against the conditions required for mediation analysis. This hypothesis
is rejected (Abu-Bader & Jones, 2021).
Based on the conclusion, it is recommended that telemedicine is not a futuristic health care plan for the
population of Karachi since 31 % of our sample size disbelieve that it is effective. However, 22% of our
sample size believe that it is effective; among those are the male population, who are employed in high tech organizations. Keeping in view the above facts and figures, The researcher highly suggests suggest
that telemedicine should be implemented after micro marketing ofthe segments; among which the most
prominent segments I identified are health insurance employers who are being benefited from health care
organizations on the behalf of collaborative contracts between their companies and health care
organizations. Health care stakeholders should keep telemedicine plan reserved for this segment of
population. The most prominent limitation ofthis study is it is quantitative study and it introduces biasness
in responses since respondents have to choose any option from the fixed set of answers. In addition, it is
a cross sectional research that studies a population at one point oftime. The scope ofthis study is limited
to Karachi only leaving behind a huge chunk on population of Pakistan and the other countries. We have
conducted the survey using non-random convenience sampling which is also narrowing the scope of our
study. The effect ofpredictors, outcome and mediator is checked but the effect ofmoderator is not studied
in this research. Lastly, this research is conducted at the student level with in a duration of four months
only. Based on the results, it is recommended that telemedicine is not a good health care plan for the
population of Karachi since 31% of our sample size disbelieve that it is effective. However, 22% of our
sample size believe that it is effective; among those are the male population, who are employed in
organizations having high tech environment. Keeping in view the above facts and figures, The researcher
highly suggests suggest that telemedicine should be implemented after micro marketing ofthe segments;
among which the most prominent segment I identified are health insurance employers who are being
benefited from health care organizations on the behalfof collaborative contracts between their companies
and health care organizations. Health care stakeholders should keep telemedicine plan reserved for this
segment ofpopulation.