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dc.contributor.author Muhammad Taha Aziz Siddiqui, 01-221182-023
dc.contributor.author Saqlain Haider Kazmi, 01-221182-031
dc.contributor.author Dilaw ar Hameed, 01-221182-008
dc.date.accessioned 2022-02-25T05:33:56Z
dc.date.available 2022-02-25T05:33:56Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/11988
dc.description Supervised by Mr. Waiza Rehman en_US
dc.description.abstract The technology in today' s world is getting advanced day by day and people are evolving with the same technology as welL There are some circumstances where people are so busy with their daily lives that they cannot find the time to go out and hire certain workers because of the hassle they have to face and the overzealous charges they are faced with. Many ideas were developed and were in the pipelines but the people behind those ideas either backed out or there idea was of no avaiL This is where we come in as we allow our customers to use those same electrician, carpenter and plumber services accordingly to their own will and a worker from our company will come to their home and perform the job for them with a nominal charge for that amount of work. Further on we discuss on how this whole idea was brought into being and how the people we showed this idea to were amazed at the fact that no one had thought about this idea before and how we could help and make a lot of hard working people at east with this idea. Once the idea was set in motion, there were many challenges to face like coming up with a name for our idea that would be catchy and small and something that people would remember us by. We also had to come up with our logo for our brand, something that would attract not only our customers but many people to the services that we are providing. We also had to follow up certain companies who would help us in making the piece de resistance of our idea which was the application that we would be using to communicate with our customers and would be the backbone of our company. We also had to work out our company budget and costs and see how we would many so many assets in play like buying motorcycles for our employees as well as hiring employees and signing agreements with them which would say that they would not work with our customers beyond our company on a direct basis. Once the application was made, we had to test and re-test our application to make sure that our application was up to the mark and would not fail unexpectedly and under dire circumstances. The tests we perfonned on our application were strenuous as well as extensive to make sure that our application does not crash due to overloading of our jobs from our customers and the overloading of our servers accordingly. We also had performed tests that would include to make sure that our application was safe from hacks from third parties. We also would make future enhancements in our application to make sure that like the technology that consumers evolved with, our customers can evolve with our application the same way while getting the best possible service from our company. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Business Studies BUIC en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries MBA (MKT);MFN-P 9872
dc.subject BULA LO en_US
dc.subject Marketing en_US
dc.title BULA LO! en_US
dc.type Project Reports en_US

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