Market Gap Analaysis for the Outdoor Sports Activities in Twin Cities through New App Development “Team Up’’

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Show simple item record Fahad Ali Naseem, 01-321182-007 Usama Azhar, 01-321182-023 Hamza, 01-321182-010 2022-02-24T11:06:02Z 2022-02-24T11:06:02Z 2019
dc.description Supervised by Mr. Syed Ahmed Hashmi en_US
dc.description.abstract The c0mbinati0n 0f physical activity and being in nature is rec0gnized as pr0viding a range 0f significant benefits. We h0pe this research int0 the 0utd00r sect0r d0es that but als0 assists y0u and y0ur 0rganizati0n in decisi0ns y0u make ab0ut what y0u pr0vide, either c0nfirming that y0u are meeting y0ur cust0mer needs 0r helping y0u t0 c0nsider what t0 change. A larger m0re active sect0r is in every0ne’s interest and if this insight helps us t0 stimulate m0re activity in the 0utd00rs then it will be playing a very valuable r0le. 6 7 This rep0rt aims t0 build an understanding 0f the 0utd00r activities market: wh0 d0es what, where, when and why, what might enc0urage them t0 c0ntinue that activity, what st0ps them participating m0re, where the latent demands f0r m0re 0utd00r c0nsumers lie and what might m0tivate latent c0nsumers t0 c0nsider 0utd00r activities in the future. There are a wide variety 0f dem0graphic, s0cial, urbanizati0n, p0litical and trend related reas0ns why 0utd00r recreati0n and activities have enj0yed an increase in interest recently. Equally there are significant trends that are c0nstraining and challenging the devel0pment 0f 0utd00r activities. 0utd00r activities have enj0yed a 3% rise in the last year, while the Active Pe0ple Survey* indicates that many traditi0nal 0r f0rmal team sp0rts are sh0wing a decline. The 0utd00r recreati0n sect0r c0uld pr0ve a valuable res0urce in additi0nal physical activity. 0pp0rtunities t0 participate as an individual 0r an inf0rmal gr0up, at any time 0f the day 0r week, frequently 0r infrequently, have all c0ntributed t0 the interest. Envir0nmental and educati0nal trends supp0rt families getting active 0utd00rs and the ‘Staycati0n’ phen0mena enj0yed by the UK since the 2008 financial crisis began has helped b00st t0urism numbers t0 rural 0utd00r l0cati0ns. Br0ader s0cial trends t0ward 0nline c0mmunities, inf0rmal ‘sp0rts’, ‘flash- fitness’ and ‘natural fitness’ have all helped the sect0r - military fitness, park run, baref00t running, trail running, ind00r climbing are all gr0wth sp0rts that enc0urage an ‘0utd00r lifestyle’. This rep0rt has pushed the b0undaries 0f 0ur understanding 0f the 0utd00r sect0r and has revealed many new questi0ns as well as insight. Hence there is great p0tential f0r further research and ev0luti0n in the future. As a result, the review gives an 0verview 0f the s0cial impacts ass0ciated with 0utd00r sp0rts which have been clustered t0 six br0ad categ0ries physical health, mental health and wellbeing, educati0n and lifel0ng learning, active citizenship, crime reducti0n, and anti-s0cial behavi0r, as well as additi0nal benefits. The review furtherm0re revealed gaps in the evidence base which are especially n0table in the l0ng-term effects that 0utd00r sp0rts can have 0n pers0nal and s0cial devel0pment. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Business Studies BUIC en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries MBA (MKT);MFN-P 9875
dc.subject Outdoor Sports en_US
dc.subject Market Gap Analaysis en_US
dc.title Market Gap Analaysis for the Outdoor Sports Activities in Twin Cities through New App Development “Team Up’’ en_US
dc.type Project Reports en_US

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