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dc.contributor.author Ahmed, Wahaj Reg # 43942
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-05T02:00:20Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-05T02:00:20Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/10286
dc.description Supervised by Khurram Adeel Shaikh en_US
dc.description.abstract Purpose The aim of this research is to explore the factors which may influence the viewership of online in-stream videos Ads on YouTube. The viewership is based on the viewing device, viewing content, Advertising appeal, characteristics of the video & the user experience as a prosumer or spectator. Methodology: The research undermines a quantitative research methodology follows a deductive approach. The sample size for this study is 300 whereas; the data is collected through primary sources. The questionnaire is published on good docs and people are asked to fill their responses against it. The collected data is then analyzed through Pearson correlation tests, T tests by defining four models. The reliability of the data is analyzed through Cronbach Alpha. Findings: This is although a fact that, the online viewers watch full length mandatory ads than the skippable ads, more often the difference is quite small but, it is statically significant. The findings suggest that, among the various online video viewing devices, the smartphones come out to be the main device that facilitates the online video advertising viewership. The research has also identified that, entertainment value of advertising tends to be stronger than personal relevance in predicting advertising viewership. In addition, advertising was more likely to be viewed by famous YouTube personalities that include, the prosumer who seems to be producing and consuming the content on social media more actively as compared to the spectators who tend to watch, comment but, never create content on YouTube. In the end, this study provides a set of guidelines to the advertisers on how they could add value to their pre-roll online video better explain them about the advertising viewership considering the ads & can advertisement itself. Limitations: The study includes the limitations of time and literature. Since, the concept discussed in the research is relatively a new one, which is more of a technology and user oriented therefore, it requires more time for analysis and literature search is expectations also not abundantly available. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Bahria University Karachi Campus en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries MBA;MFN B-118
dc.subject YouTube, Ad viewership, prosumers, spectators, in stream video en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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